Work In Progress

Rigissa Megalokonomou

​Assoc. Prof. in Economics

Working Papers and R&Rs

 Long Term Effects of Teachers: Evidence from a Teacher Value Added Approach (Reject & Resubmit,  American Economic Review)

  • with Victor Lavy (Warwick)

Do Second Chances Pay Off? Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Low-Achieving Students (Conditionally Accepted,  Journal of Public Economics)

  • Academic Version: Working Paper, with Aspasia Bizopoulou (VATT Institute for Economic Research) and Stefania Simion (Bristol) 

How Good Am I? Effects and Mechanisms Behind Salient Ranks  (Conditionally Accepted, European Economic Review)

  • Academic Version: Working Paper,  with Yi Zhang (University of Queensland)
  • Yi Zhang was awarded the best student presentation award for presenting this paper at the 2022 Labour Econometrics Workshop at the University of Wollongong

Female Neighbors, Test Scores, and Careers  (Revise & Resubmit, Research Policy)

  • Academic Version: Working Paper, with Yi Zhang (Queensland) and Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford)

Female Top Performers are more Impactful Peer Role Models than Males, Teachers Say  (Reject and Resubmit at PNAS), with Sofoklis Goulas (Brookings Institution) and Panagiotis Sotirakopoulos (Curtin University)

​Female Classmates, Disruption, and STEM Outcomes in Disadvantaged Schools: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment (Under Review, Journal of Human Resources), with Yi Zhang (Queensland) and Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford)


Does the Gender Composition of Judges Matter? Evidence from Random Assignment of Judges to Cases in Supreme Court Cases 

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, data collection is complete

Same-Gender Peer Role Models

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, with Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford) and Bhagya Gunawardena (University of Queensland)
  • Award: Best Paper Award at the 2022 PhD Conference at the University of Western Australia (paper presented by Bhagya Gunawardena) 

Your Sins are not Forgiven: Religious Judges in Supreme Court

  •  Status: Draft in Preparation with Evangelos Dioikitopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business)

Gender Differences in Work Advice

  • Status: Running Pilots in preparation for the Experiment, with Juliana Silva-Goncalves (University of Sydney) and Roel van Veldhuizen (University of Lund)​

The Effect of Knowing you Are the Best Student in the Class

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, with Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford) and Won Fy Lee (Stanford)

The Effects of Female Teacherson School and University Outcomes

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, with Victor Lavy (Warwick); early draft in preparation 

The Impact of University Entry Scholarships on Academic Success, Labour Market and Migration

  • Status: Early Draft in Preparation, with Vasilakis Valantis (Bangor)

​The Impact of Disruptive Peers on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills: Evidence from an Online Experiment; survey RCT in place, data collection in place

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, with Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford) and Silvia Griselda (Bocconi)

Inequality in College Applications: Evidence From Three Continents, 

  • Status: Draft in Preparation, with Adam Altjmed (Stockholm University), Andres Barrios-Fernandez (Universidad de Los Andes), Aspasia Bizopoulou (University of York), Martti Kaila (University of Helsinki), Jose Montalban (Stockholm University), Christopher Neilson (Yale University), Sebastian Otero (UC Berkeley), Xiaoyang Ye (Brown University) 


​ Persistency in Teachers' Grading Biases and Effect on Longer Term Outcomes: University Admission Exams and Choice of Field of Study ​(April 2024, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics)​

  • Academic Version: NBER Working Paper, with Victor Lavy (Warwick)
  • ​Media Highlight:  Economic Society of Australia, Women in Economics Network, YouTube Video, 
  • Media Highlight: Teacher gender bias is real and has lasting effects on students’ marks and study choices, The Conversation​

​The Effect of the Exposure to Refugees on Crime Activity. Evidence from the Greek Islands  (European Economic Review)

Compulsory Class Attendance vs Autonomy (2023, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization)

Human Capital Depreciation and Returns to Experience  (2022, American Economic Review

  • Academic Version: NBER Working Paper, with Michael Dinerstein (Chicago) and and Costantine Yannelis (Chicago Booth)
  • Published Version: here
  • Online Appendix

Comparative Advantage and Gender Gap in STEM  (2022, Journal of Human Resources)

  • Academic VersionWorking Paper, with Sofoklis Goulas (Stanford) and Silvia Griselda (Bocconi)                                
  • Awards: Recipient of: 2020 Best Paper Award on Gender Economics by UniCredit Foundation, Mardi Dungey Prize for the Best Paper, ANU, November 2019 and Best Paper Award at the 2020  Australian Gender Economics Workshop at QUT

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Feedback, Learning and Performance: Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial (2021,  Economic Journal)​​

  • Academic Version: Working Paper, with Isabella Dobrescu (UNSW), Marco Faravelli (Queensland) and Alberto Motta (UNSW)

​Class size and performance: At what cost? (2021,  European Economic Review)​​ 

​​Knowing who you Actually Are: The Effect of Feedback on Short and Long Term Outcomes  (2021, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization)

​​Do Parents Respond to Regulation of Sugary Drinks in Childcare? Evidence from California"  (2020, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization)

  • Academic Paper: Published Version, with Jiafei Hu  (University of Queensland) and Haishan Yuan (University of Queensland)

​School Attendance during a Pandemic (2020, Economics Letters)

"Marathon, Hurdling or Sprint? The Effects of Exam Scheduling on Academic Performance" (2020, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy)

Which Degrees do Students Prefer During Recessions? (2018, Empirical Economics)